Interface RankData

Holds information about player ranks

interface RankData {
    backgroundColor: null | string;
    badgeUrl: null | string;
    donatorRank: null | DonatorRank;
    serverRank: ServerRank;
    shortenedServerRank: string;
    textColor: null | string;
    veteran: boolean;


backgroundColor: null | string

The background color of the players rank badge

badgeUrl: null | string

The cdn URL of the players rank badge

donatorRank: null | DonatorRank

The players donator rank

serverRank: ServerRank

The players server rank

shortenedServerRank: string

The players server ranks short version, if available

This property does not consistently shorten ranks across different endpoints.
textColor: null | string

The text color of the players rank badge

veteran: boolean

Whether the player is a veteran

The Wynncraft criteria for a veteran is whether the player has bought a rank before the 2014 Minecraft EULA change.
Not all veteran players are always displayed as such.

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