Class PlayerCharacterAbilityTree

Represents a player characters ability tree




abilities: Ability[]

The abilities on this class' ability tree

apiVersion: `${number}.${number}.${number}`

The version of the requested API route

archetypes: Archetype[]

The archetypes on this class' ability tree

character: string

The UUID of the character

classBaseType: ClassBaseType

The type of class this ability tree belongs to

libVersion: `${number}.${number}.${number}`

The version of the representation of the data by the wrapper

The nodes that make up this class' ability tree

pages: number

The number of pages with unlocked abilities in this ability tree

player: string

The UUID of the player

receivedAt: number

The unix timestamp indicating when this request was received

This is measured using the local clock.
If the response was returned from cache, then requestedAt, respondedAt and receivedAt may be in the past.
requestedAt: number

The unix timestamp indicating when this request was sent

This is measured using the local clock.
If the response was returned from cache, then requestedAt, respondedAt and receivedAt may be in the past.
respondedAt: number

The unix timestamp indicating when this request was responded to by the API

This is measured using the API server's clock.
If the response was returned from cache, then requestedAt, respondedAt and receivedAt may be in the past.
source: `${string}`

The route used to request the data for this object

This is the value used to identify cache entries. API results with the same source can use the cache.
timestamp: number

The unix timestamp indicating when the data of this request was created

You can use this timestamp to determine how old a piece of data is.
unlockedAbilities: Ability[]

The unlocked abilities on this characters ability tree

unlockedNodes: (Ability | AbilityConnectorNode)[]

The unlocked nodes on this characters ability tree

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