Class LeaderboardPlayer

Represents a player from the leaderboards API



character: null | LeaderboardPlayerCharacter

Information on the character, if applicable

level: null | number

The respective level, such as of the challenge class or the accumulated level of all classes on global leaderboards. Currently this property is null on hardcoreContent, huicContent and huichContent.

minutesPlayed: number

The playtime of the player or the character in minutes

name: string

The username of the player

playtime: number

The playtime of the player or the character in its native unit

rank: RankData

The players rank

score: number

The metric this leaderboard tracks

uuid: string

The UUID of the player

xp: null | number

The amount of overflow XP the player has. Only present for solo leaderboards or leaderboards that track a level.

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