An ability from the ability tree



archetypeRequirement: null | ArchetypeRequirement

The archetype restriction, if one exists

children: Ability[]

The abilities reachable from this one

cost: number

The cost to unlock the ability, in ability points

description: string

The description of the ability, includes formatting codes

id: string

The ID of the ability

The location of this ability on a rendered tree

lockedBy: Ability[]

The abilities that lock this one

locks: Ability[]

The abilities locked by this one

name: string

The name of the ability, includes formatting codes

parents: Ability[]

The abilities leading to this one

requiredAbility: null | Ability

The ability required to unlock this one, if exists. This is used for things like upgrades to a spell only being possible if the spell was unlocked.

sprite: Sprite

The sprite used for this ability

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