Interface PositionModifierQuery

A position modifier filter to match when requesting ingredients

Values for modifier bounds have to be integer.
interface PositionModifierQuery {
    above?: OpenRange;
    left?: OpenRange;
    notTouching?: OpenRange;
    requireAll?: boolean;
    right?: OpenRange;
    touching?: OpenRange;
    under?: OpenRange;


above?: OpenRange

A range the Above modifier has to be within

left?: OpenRange

A range the Left modifier has to be within

notTouching?: OpenRange

A range the Not Touching modifier has to be within

requireAll?: boolean

Whether all specified filters have to be satisfied, or if any can match


right?: OpenRange

A range the Right modifier has to be within

touching?: OpenRange

A range the Touching modifier has to be within

under?: OpenRange

A range the Under modifier has to be within

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