Interface LocalData

A collection of static data that is used within the library

interface LocalData {
    guildLevelRewards: GuildLevelRewardData[];
    guildLevels: GuildLevelRequirementData[];
    minecraftIds: MinecraftIds;
    sprites: Map<ItemSpriteName, Sprite>;
    territories: Map<string, TerritoryData>;


guildLevelRewards: GuildLevelRewardData[]

Information on rewards unlocked after certain guild levels have been reached (currently outdated except for guild stars and loadout slots)

Information on guild level xp requirements

The array index represents the level.
minecraftIds: MinecraftIds

A translation table for string and numeric minecraft IDs

sprites: Map<ItemSpriteName, Sprite>

Information on sprites commonly used by wynncraft items

Not all sprites are listed here. Ingredient sprites and some special items (currently only "Wybel Paw") don't use sprites from here.
territories: Map<string, TerritoryData>

Information on Territories

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