Interface ItemStats

Stats for items, weapon stats are only set on weapons, armor stats are only set on armor

interface ItemStats {
    airDamage: null | Range;
    airDefence: null | number;
    attackSpeed: null | AttackSpeed;
    damage: null | Range;
    earthDamage: null | Range;
    earthDefence: null | number;
    fireDamage: null | Range;
    fireDefence: null | number;
    health: null | number;
    powderSlots: number;
    thunderDamage: null | Range;
    thunderDefence: null | number;
    waterDamage: null | Range;
    waterDefence: null | number;


airDamage: null | Range

The air damage of the weapon

airDefence: null | number

The air defence of the armor piece or accessory

attackSpeed: null | AttackSpeed

The attack speed of the weapon

damage: null | Range

The neutral damage of the weapon

earthDamage: null | Range

The earth damage of the weapon

earthDefence: null | number

The earth defence of the armor piece or accessory

fireDamage: null | Range

The fire damage of the weapon

fireDefence: null | number

The fire defence of the armor piece or accessory

health: null | number

The health of the armor piece

powderSlots: number

The powderslots of the item

thunderDamage: null | Range

The thunder damage of the weapon

thunderDefence: null | number

The thunder defence of the armor piece or accessory

waterDamage: null | Range

The water damage of the weapon

waterDefence: null | number

The water defence of the armor piece or accessory

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