  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

A stat filter to match when requesting items

Values must be integer.


  • ItemStatQuery



airDamage?: OpenRange

Only match items with Air Damage within this range

airDefence?: OpenRange

Only match items with Air Defence within this range

attackSpeed?: AttackSpeed[]

Only match items with Attack Speeds matching one these

damage?: OpenRange

Only match items with Neutral Damage within this range

earthDamage?: OpenRange

Only match items with Earth Damage within this range

earthDefence?: OpenRange

Only match items with Earth Defence within this range

fireDamage?: OpenRange

Only match items with Fire Damage within this range

fireDefence?: OpenRange

Only match items with Fire Defence within this range

health?: OpenRange

Only match items with Health within this range

powderSlots?: OpenRange

Only match items with Powder Slots within this range

requireAll?: boolean

Whether all specified filters have to be satisfied, or if any can match



thunderDamage?: OpenRange

Only match items with Thunder Damage within this range

thunderDefence?: OpenRange

Only match items with Thunder Defence within this range

waterDamage?: OpenRange

Only match items with Water Damage within this range

waterDefence?: OpenRange

Only match items with Water Defence within this range

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