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Represents the result of a name search on the Wynncraft API





apiVersion: `${number}.${number}.${number}`

The version of the requested API route

guilds: string[]

The guild names including the search pattern in their name

Ordered in ascending order of creation date.
libVersion: `${number}.${number}.${number}`

The version of the representation of the data by the wrapper

players: string[]

The player names matching the search query

Ordered in descending order of first join date.
It is not clear how exactly the search matches players, but most names require a near exact match.
requestedAt: number

The unix timestamp indicating when this request started executing

respondedAt: number

The unix timestamp indicating when this request was responded to

You can use this value in combination with timestamp to see how old the data is
If the response was returned from cache or the response took a long time to transmit, then this isn't a reliable way to determine the age of data.

The route used to request the data for this object

This is the value used to identify cache entries. API results with the same source can use the cache.
timestamp: number

The unix timestamp indicating when the data of this request was last updated

This stat does not reflect the time this data was created, but when the API frontend last synced this data. The PvP leaderboard, for instance, updates once per hour. Yet this timestamp will update once every 30 seconds.

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