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Interface ItemSearchRequestOptions

The options for an item API request




allowCache?: boolean

Whether to allow this request to pull from cache if available

apiKey?: string

The API key to use in this request

The key has to be registered in the config.
If this is not given, the registered key with the most free requests will be selected.
cacheFor?: number

The amount of time the request should be cached for

This only applies to fetchRaw.


category?: ItemCategory

Only match items of this category

color?: number[]

Only match items using this color

The array must be of length 3 and contain only integers between 0 and 255.
displayName?: string

Only match items containing this string in their displayName

dropType?: ItemDropType

Only match items obtained from this source

identifications?: IdentificationQuery

Only match items that match the identification query

ignoreVersion?: boolean

Whether to ignore version errors

You can use this to resolve temporary conflicts while the library awaits being updated. Otherwise it should stay enabled.


lore?: string

Only match items containing this string in their lore

majorIds?: MajorIdQuery

Only match items that match the major ID query

name?: string

Only match items containing this string in their name

Use the displayName filter for names as shown in-game.
priority?: boolean

Whether this request should be put to the front of the queue, executing before any non-priority requests are handled



requirements?: ItemRequirementQuery

Only match items that match the requirement query

restriction?: ItemRestriction

Only match items with this restriction

Use null to search for items without any restrictions.
retries?: number

The amount of times to retry the request on error

set?: string

Only match items that are part of this set

This property is currently only used by the `LEAF` set.

Only match items using this visual sprite

Only match items that match the stat query

tier?: ItemRarity

Only match items of this Rarity

timeout?: number

The amount of milliseconds a until the request should be rejected

Be aware that each retry has it's own timeout, meaning 30,000 ms of timeout may lead to a 90,000 ms wait until a request is rejected on 2 retries.
type?: ItemType

Only match items of this type

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