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Represents a player from the API




  • new Player(data: Object, params: Object): Player


apiVersion: `${number}.${number}.${number}`

The version of the requested API route

blocksWalked: number

The total amount of blocks travelled by the player

This also counts teleportation by quests etc.
The field overflows like a 32-bit integer.
classes: PlayerClass[]

The classes of the player

deaths: number

The total amount of deaths

discoveries: number

The total amount of discoveries

This includes duplicate and removed discoveries.
eventsWon: number

The total amount of swarms won

firstJoin: Date

The first join of the player as a Date

firstJoinTimestamp: number

The first join of the player as a unix timestamp

The guild data of the player

itemsIdentified: number

The total amount of items identified

This statistic is no longer being updated.
lastJoin: Date

The last join of the player as a Date

lastJoinTimestamp: number

The last join of the player as a unix timestamp

libVersion: `${number}.${number}.${number}`

The version of the representation of the data by the wrapper

logins: number

The total amount of logins

mobsKilled: number

The total amount of mobKills

name: string

The account name of the player

playtime: number

The playtime of the player

The playtime doesn't have a specific unit. This value is roughly equal to one fifth of the player's playtime, however.
pvp: PvpData

The nether PvP stats of the player

rank: RankData

The rank data of the player

The leaderboard rankings of the player in all levels; null if not in #100

If the player name was misspelled in the options, the rankings are always null
requestedAt: number

The unix timestamp indicating when this request started executing

The route used to request the data for this object

This is the value used to identify cache entries. API results with the same source can use the cache.
timestamp: number

The unix timestamp indicating when the data of this request was last updated

This stat does not reflect the time this data was created, but when the API frontend last synced this data. The PvP leaderboard, for instance, updates once per hour. Yet this timestamp will update once every 30 seconds.
totalLevel: PlayerLevelsData

The total levels of the player

uuid: string

The UUID of the player

world: null | string

The current world of the player; null if offline

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