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Represents a class of a player


  • PlayerClass




blocksWalked: number

The amount of blocks travelled by this class

This also counts teleportation by quests etc.
The field overflows like a 32-bit integer.
deaths: number

The amount of deaths on this class

discoveries: number

The total amount of discoveries on this class

This includes duplicate or removed discoveries.
dungeons: RepeatableContent[]

A list of all dungeons completed on this class

Ordered in ascending order of first completion.
eventsWon: number

The amount of swarms won on this class

gamemodes: Gamemodes

The gamemodes of the class

hasEconomyStar: boolean

Whether this class has reached combat level 101 before the Economy Update 1.18 released

Classes with this flag display a star next to their level in chat.
itemsIdentified: number

The amount of items identified on this class

This statistic is no longer being updated.

The level in professions and combat of the class

logins: number

The amount of logins on this class

mobsKilled: number

The amount of mobKills on this class

name: string

The name of the class

playtime: number

The playtime on this class

pvp: PvpData

The nether PvP stats of the class

quests: string[]

A list of all Quests completed on this class

A list of all raids completed on this class

Ordered in ascending order of first completion.
skillPoints: SkillPoints

The manually assigned skillpoints of the class

totalLevel: number

The combined level of the class

Contrary to the API, this includes level 1 of professions.
type: ClassType

The type of class

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