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The options to set the config to


  • ConfigOptions



allowCacheByDefault?: boolean

Whether to allow requests to use the cache

This is overridden by RequestOptions.allowCache.
allowStackingByDefault?: boolean

Whether to allow request stacking in raw API calls

This is overridden by RawRequestOptions.allowStacking.
apiKeys?: ApiKey[]

The API keys to use

defaultCacheTimes?: CacheTimeOptions

The amount of milliseconds to cache requests of these routes for

This is overridden by RequestOptions.cacheFor.
defaultRetries?: number

The amount of times a request should be retried on error

This is overridden by RequestOptions.retries.
defaultTimeout?: number

The amount of milliseconds a until a request should be rejected

This is overridden by RequestOptions.timeout.
maxQueueLength?: number

How many request should be allowed to be queued before the wrapper rejects new requests with an error

reuseJson?: boolean

Whether to reuse JSON objects returned by the fetchRaw() method instead of regenerating them every time they are drawn from cache;

Disabling this hurts performance, but hardens the code against bugs due to downstream code modifying API responses in the cache.

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