  • Public
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Represents an Item from the API


  • Item



  • new Item(v: Object): Item
  • Parameters

    • v: Object

    Returns Item


category: ItemCategory

The category of the item

color: null | number[]

The armor color of the item

craftsmanAllowed: boolean

Whether Craftsman characters can use the item

displayName: string

The name of the item, as displayed in-game

dropType: ItemDropType

How this item can be obtained

identifications: Identification[]

The identifications of this item

identified: boolean

Whether the item is pre-identified (i.e. items bought from merchants)

lore: string

The lore of the item

majorIds: MajorId[]

A list of this items major IDs

name: string

The name of the item

requirements: ItemRequirements

The requirements to use this item

restriction: null | ItemRestriction

The restriction put on the item

set: null | string

The set the item is part of, if any

Currently, only the LEAF set uses this field.
skin: null | ItemSkin

The player head skin this item uses

sprite: Sprite

the visual sprite of the item

Items using mob heads (not player heads) will display as minecraft:leather_helmet and no ItemSkin.
stats: ItemStats

The stats of this item

The rarity of the item

type: ItemType

The type of item

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