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A collection of static data that is used within the library


  • LocalData



Information on guild level requirements; the preGavelReborn is the value for a guild to level up from the given level to the next, prior to 1.20; postGavelReborn is it's equivalent for post 1.20

You can use this data to translate the level percentage returned by the guild API endpoint.
The array index represents the level.
identifications: IdentificationData[]

Information on Identifications

majorIds: MajorIdData[]

Information on Major IDs

minecraftIds: MinecraftIds

A translation table for string and numeric minecraft IDs

sprites: Map<ItemSpriteName, Sprite>

Information on sprites commonly used by wynncraft items

Not all sprite are listed here. Ingredient sprites and some special items (currently only "Wybel Paw") don't use sprites from here.
territories: Map<string, TerritoryData>

Information on Territories

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