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Interface GuildXPInterpretation

A guild level in friendly format

The values in this are based on API science and statistic analysis. That means they are decently accurate, but not exact. Always keep in mind that these values are merely approximations.


  • GuildXPInterpretation



isSafe: boolean

If this is false, all other properties are null

maxErrorLower: number

The maximum error the xp values may be off by, divide xpRaw and xpPct by this number in order to get the the lower bound for the xp value

maxErrorUpper: number

The maximum error the xp values may be off by, multiply xpRaw and xpPct by this number in order to get the upper bound for the xp value

required: number

The raw amount of XP required for this level

xpPct: number

The actual progression of the guild towards the next guild level as a number between 0 and 1

xpRaw: number

The raw amount of XP of the guild at this moment

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