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Interface RecipeSearchRequestOptions

The options for a recipe API request




Optional allowCache

allowCache?: boolean

Whether to allow this request to pull from cache if available

Optional apiKey

apiKey?: string

The API key to use in this request

The key has to be registered in the config.
If this is not given, the registered key with the most free requests will be selected.

Optional basicDuration

basicDuration?: OpenRange

Only match recipes if their basic duration lies within this range

Values have to be integer, and Ranges have to have at least one bound.

Optional cacheFor

cacheFor?: number

The amount of time the request should be cached for

This only applies to fetchRaw.


Optional category

category?: ItemCategory

Only match recipes of this item category

Optional damage

damage?: OpenRange

Only match recipes if their damage lies within this range

Values have to be integer, and Ranges have to have at least one bound.

Optional durability

durability?: OpenRange

Only match recipes if their durability lies within this range

Values have to be integer, and Ranges have to have at least one bound.

Optional duration

duration?: OpenRange

Only match recipes if their duration lies within this range

Values have to be integer, and Ranges have to have at least one bound.

Optional health

health?: OpenRange

Only match recipes if their health lies within this range

Values have to be integer, and Ranges have to have at least one bound.

Optional id

id?: string

Only match the recipe with this ID

Optional ignoreVersion

ignoreVersion?: boolean

Whether to ignore version errors

You can use this to resolve temporary conflicts while the library awaits being updated. Otherwise it should stay enabled.


Optional level

level?: number | OpenRange

Only match recipes within this level range

Values have to be integer, and Ranges have to have at least one bound.

Optional priority

priority?: boolean

Whether this request should be put to the front of the queue, executing before any non-priority requests are handled



Optional retries

retries?: number

The amount of times to retry the request on error

Optional skill

Only match recipes using this crafting skill

Optional timeout

timeout?: number

The amount of milliseconds a until the request should be rejected

Optional type

Only match recipes of this item type

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