  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

An ID filter to match when requesting items or ingredients

Values for ID bounds have to be integer.
Use an empty range {} to search for an ID with any value.


  • IdentificationQuery



Optional agility

agility?: OpenRange

The Agility identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional airDamage

airDamage?: OpenRange

The Air Damage % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional airDefence

airDefence?: OpenRange

The Air Defence % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional attackSpeed

attackSpeed?: OpenRange

The Attack Speed identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional defence

defence?: OpenRange

The Defence identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional dexterity

dexterity?: OpenRange

The Dexterity identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional earthDamage

earthDamage?: OpenRange

The Earth Damage % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional earthDefence

earthDefence?: OpenRange

The Earth Defence % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional exploding

exploding?: OpenRange

The Exploding identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional fireDamage

fireDamage?: OpenRange

The Fire Damage % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional fireDefence

fireDefence?: OpenRange

The Fire Defence % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional gatheringSpeed

gatheringSpeed?: OpenRange

The Gathering Speed identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional gatheringXpBonus

gatheringXpBonus?: OpenRange

The Gathering XP Bonus identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional health

health?: OpenRange

The Health identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional healthRegenPercent

healthRegenPercent?: OpenRange

The Health Regen % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional healthRegenRaw

healthRegenRaw?: OpenRange

The Raw Health Regen identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional intelligence

intelligence?: OpenRange

The Intelligence identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional jumpHeight

jumpHeight?: OpenRange

The Jump Height identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional lifeSteal

lifeSteal?: OpenRange

The Life Steal identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional lootBonus

lootBonus?: OpenRange

The Loot Bonus identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional lootQuality

lootQuality?: OpenRange

The Loot Quality identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional mainAttackDamagePercent

mainAttackDamagePercent?: OpenRange

The Main Attack Damage % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional mainAttackDamageRaw

mainAttackDamageRaw?: OpenRange

The Raw Main Attack Damage identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional manaRegen

manaRegen?: OpenRange

The Mana Regen identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional manaSteal

manaSteal?: OpenRange

The Mana Steal identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional poison

poison?: OpenRange

The Poison identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional rainbowSpellDamageRaw

rainbowSpellDamageRaw?: OpenRange

The Raw Rainbow Spell Damage identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional reflection

reflection?: OpenRange

The Reflection identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional requireAll

requireAll?: boolean

Whether all specified filters have to be satisfied, or if any can match



Optional soulPointRegen

soulPointRegen?: OpenRange

The Soul Point Regen identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional spellCostPct1

spellCostPct1?: OpenRange

The 1st Spell Cost % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional spellCostPct2

spellCostPct2?: OpenRange

The 2nd Spell Cost % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional spellCostPct3

spellCostPct3?: OpenRange

The 3rd Spell Cost % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional spellCostPct4

spellCostPct4?: OpenRange

The 4th Spell Cost % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional spellCostRaw1

spellCostRaw1?: OpenRange

The 1st Raw Spell Cost identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional spellCostRaw2

spellCostRaw2?: OpenRange

The 2nd Raw Spell Cost identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional spellCostRaw3

spellCostRaw3?: OpenRange

The 3rd Raw Spell Cost identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional spellCostRaw4

spellCostRaw4?: OpenRange

The 4th Raw Spell Cost identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional spellDamagePercent

spellDamagePercent?: OpenRange

The Spell Damage % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional spellDamageRaw

spellDamageRaw?: OpenRange

The Raw Spell Damage identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional sprintDuration

sprintDuration?: OpenRange

The Sprint Duration identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional sprintRegen

sprintRegen?: OpenRange

The Sprint Regen identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional stealing

stealing?: OpenRange

The Stealing identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional strength

strength?: OpenRange

The Strength identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional thorns

thorns?: OpenRange

The Thorns identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional thunderDamage

thunderDamage?: OpenRange

The Thunder Damage % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional thunderDefence

thunderDefence?: OpenRange

The Thunder Defence % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional walkSpeed

walkSpeed?: OpenRange

The Walk Speed identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional waterDamage

waterDamage?: OpenRange

The Water Damage % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional waterDefence

waterDefence?: OpenRange

The Water Defence % identification has to have possible values within this range

Optional xpBonus

xpBonus?: OpenRange

The XP Bonus identification has to have possible values within this range

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